RCEP/Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership:
Mainly consolidating existing trade arrangements
India is not a member. This is important. US needs to keep India out of it. We need a counter balance against China.
China finally has a deal with Japan. This is good for China, ok for Japan. Not good for US. Strategy should be Chinese isolation not allowing them to increase their leverage over US allies.
US needs to get involved in this treaty. Back when US left TPP I was screeching my head in disbelief.
-Economic gains were minimal for sure- by one estimate a GDP increase of 0.8% over 10 years in US. BUT: this provided US with leverage to input its own rules into pacific trade deals.
-Ability to design multilateral trade deals from US interest perspective was huge. Missed opportunity.
-We could have for example imposed stricter rules on Chinese tech companies. Confronting them on IP theft could have been easier.
-Instead the opp was missed due to a populist appeasement of mid-western manufacturing voters - which at the end did not even pay off for Trump HAHAH
-Now it seems RCEP lacks any stricter standards of TPP that constrained Chinese giants. Again missed opp from US to exercise leverage over China.