A bit too anti-Russian and neoconnish for my tastes. The last thing we need is a pointless conflict with Russia over things which really don't matter in the long run.

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Preference must always be given to soft power as a starting point. Having said that, at some point retaliation becomes unavoidable: to establish red lines and to deter future escalation. This conflict would not escalate beyond our response either. If we are to have normal relationship with Russia in the long run, clear acceptable parameters must be established now. What the U.S. will and will not tolerate.

Appreciate the feedback. Please keep them coming.

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So Putin is testing Trump ,if there were a strong bond between them ,that wouldnt have happened.....so,I guess China is testing Biden,with its sovereignty pressure on nearby countries. Let's not focus on Russia over China....we have to walk softly and carry a Big Stick with both countries.

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